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Includes questions related to the use of images, letters and sounds to represent words and phrases. It’s a theme of the nation’s history andunity. Jefferson, whocompleted the Louisiana Purchase, represents expansion. What do different colors mean in Japanese culture? Red generally has to do with both Shinto and Buddhist traditions,and brides often wear it. Is there a meaning for the calla lilly flower? Also, as they bloom in the spring theycan express the idea of rebirth.
What are 4 archetypes on epic of Gilgamesh? One archetype is the serpent sheds its skin, in which in Gilgamesh the serpent sheds its skin because of youth. The other is the serpent is sneaky and sly just like they are today. Where are the braziers and how do they add to the atmosphere in the masque of the red death? The braziers are in the corridors that followed the suite, oppositeto each window. They add to the atmosphere because the lightproduced wild looks on anyone who dared to look at them.
Is one sparrow tattoo bad luck? Only the Russian mafia own the tattoo star on the knee? True but I seen people that are not Russian have a star ontheir knee. Comment on the idea that tom’s death was typical?
Since Tom is of color, it was “typical” of him trying to escape from the jail. What is symbolic meaning of the Norse star? The 8-pointed star so often found on Nordic sweaters and other clothing symbolizes Venus. Venus has an 8-year cycle, during which it traces an almost perfect pentagram in the sky.